According to 2011 Census of India, Bathinda district ranks 9 th in Punjab with a population of 1388525 which is 19.98 % of the total population of Punjab State. The sex ratio according to census 2011 is 868 females per thousand Male in district which is 19 less than observed in 2001 census, which was 870. Though the rate of population growth is meagre yet the density of population has increased which is 414 per square Kilometer as compared to 353 by 2001 census.
Amongst the States & UTs, Punjab ranks 13 th in terms of literacy. Bathinda district have 15 th rank in the field of literacy in the state. 68.30% population is literate where as the rate for male and female literacy is 73.80 % and 61.90% respectively according to Census 2011.