

Civil Surgeon Office
Contact Number /Help Line Number : 0164-2212501 / 104

About the Health department
Serial No. Description Number
1 District Hospital and Women & Children Hospital 1+1
2 Sub Division Hospital(Rampura Phul , Talwandi Sabo & Ghuda) 03
3 CHC’s (Nathana, Goniana, Sangat,Ballian Wali, Bhagta, Raman, Maur, Bhuco , Mehraj) 09
4 PHC’s Urban (5) , Rural(19)
5 Sub Centres 136
Health Services Provided by the District Hospital
Service Description
1. 200 bedded hospital with facilities of General Surgery, General Medicine, Skin, Ortho, Ophthalmology, Dental Clinic, 24×7 emergency services, Indoor blood bank, mortuary, Laboratory & Pharmacy,ENT, Psyciatry and TB.
2. Dialysis services are being provided free of cost 25-28 patients on average monthly.
3. Under ARSH programme adolescent girls & boys are provided free counseling related to adolescent problems.
4. In ART centre all HIV patients are being provided free medicine and CD-4 count.
5. All Hepatitis –C patients are provided with free treatment and subsidized viral load test in the hospital itself.
6. Treatment during first 24 hours emergency is provided free of cost to all the patients.
7. Digital X-Ray & USG facilities are being provided by the hospital.
8. Through blood bank 24 hrs services are being provided. Thalesemia, Cancer & road side accident patients are provided with free blood facility.
9. Trauma services are being provided by orthopedic unit.
10. De-Addiction Centre

  • In the premises of civil hospital infront of women & children wing De addiction centre is running . Patients are being provided with free medicine and counseling under the supervision of Psychiatrist.
11. Rehabilitation Cente

  • After detoxification patient is admitted in rehabilitation centre situated at Mansa Road and they are provided with free food, accommodation , Sports facility & gym facilities.
  • In OST, Methadone treatment centre, ooat centre patients are being treated for opiod treatment on OPD basis and they are provided free medicine everyday.
12. Women and Children Wing

  • Through this wing RMNCH services like JSY, JSSK, Family Planning, PNDT programmes are provided.
  • Under Laqshya programme staff is rationalized for the upkeep of labour rooms
  • 12 bedded functional SNCU level-II facility for Indoor & outdoor neo nates is provided free of cost. Breast feeding room has also been set up adjacent.
  • Through Thalesemia Centre free filter blood & iron chelation drugs are provided.



Various Schemes of Health Department
Serial No. Scheme Name Details about the scheme
1 Institutional Deliveries
  • In distt bathinda 94% institutional deliveries are being conducted on an average every year.(All Pregnant women are provided with free 4 ANC check ups, Iron & IFA tablets & two doses of TT, free blood transfusion.)
  • Under Janani Suraksha Yojna all pregnant women belonging to BPL, SC/ST are provided with monetary benefit of Rs. 500, 600 & 700 incentive in the account of beneficiary.
  • Under Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram every pregnant woman coming for delivery in Govt hospitals is provided with free delivery, medicine, test, diet and free transportation.
    • Under immunization every child in the district is immunized for eight deadly diseases.
2 Covid vaccination
  • The population above 18 years is being vaccinated at various sites in district bathinda free of cost. Till the month of August 2021, 4,52,682 beneficiaries are vaccinated for covid.
3 Family Planning
  • Under this programme eligible couple are motivated for adopting various spacing methods by a trained counsellor: IUCD 10, oral pills and CC as per needs and demands beside they are also motivated for undergoing permanent sterlization method. Each beneficiary is provided with the financial assistance of Rs. 250, rs. 600 and Rs. 1100 for adopting permanent methods. In the event of death Rs. 2 lac are given & in case of failure Rs. 60000/- are provided to the beneficiary.
  • Under RBSK programme free treatment for Government/ Government Aided school students suffering from RHD/CHD/, Thalassemia and 30 listed diseases is provided & routine checkup of school students is done by RBSK teams from birth till 18 years to cover 4D’s.
5 Other’s Scheme
  • Sex ratio is being monitored with coordination of ICDS & Education department.
  • Drug de addiction & Rehabilitation centre are running successfully.
  • Under Kaya kalap and swachta hi sewa abhiyan all ASHA workers and staff is motivated for the cleanliness in the hospitals & near by villages.
  • Under TB Leprosy programme treatment is provided free of cost & Rs 500 every month are provided to the every TB patient.
  • Under blindness programme camps are being organized to make the people aware for eye donation 298 eyes donation have been done in distt Bathinda from April 2018 till August 2021.
6 Urban Wellness Centre
  • 116 Health & wellness centres are being established in Rural  Bathinda. 5 HWC’s are established at urban Bathinda: Lal Singh Basti, Paras ram Nagar, Janta Nagar, Beant Nagar and CD Phul to provide holistic health service under Ayushmaan Bharat.
7 108(Free Ambulance Service)
  • Free ambulance 108 services are provided for road side accidents, complication during pregnancy, for transporting pregnant women to the hospital for delivery.